WCVFD Orders New Fire Engine
By Chief Zach Schneider
November 4, 2014

On Monday November 3, 2014 Winfield Community Volunteer Fire Department signed a contract with Atlantic Emergency Solutions to purchase a 2015 Pierce Arrow XT Pumper. The new pumper will replace Winfield’s 1998 New Lexington/American LaFrance Pumper (Engine 141). A highlight of the specifications include; Pierce Arrow XT Chassis with a 6 person seating capacity, Detroit Diesel 500HP Engine (DD13), TAK-4 independent suspension, Hale Q-Max 1,500gpm pump, Husky 12 foam system, Trident air primer, 1,000 gallon water tank, 30 gallon foam cell, Harrison 6KW hydraulic generator. WCVFD will also outfit the new pumper with an assortment of Hurst eDRAULIC rescue tools due to the amount of vehicle collisions Engine 141 responds on in the first due area. The funds for this purchase are coming strictly from the Winfield Community's support with donations and attending our fundraising events. We look forward to enhancing our fire & rescue capabilities in 2015.