Monthly Training - Vehicle Fires & Extrication
By Board of Director Zach Schneider
February 21, 2019

On Thursday evening members from WCVFD gathered to participate in one of our monthly fire trainings. This month's topic was vehicle fires and patient extrication. Throughout the evening, crews would stage in the parking lot of South Carroll High School before being dispatched for a simulated call to the rear of Winfield's Fire Station. The acting officer and firefighters would arrive on scene and quickly have to determine how many patients were trapped in the vehicle(s) and prioritize between extinguishing the fire and extricating the patient(s). This training allowed members to practice several skills such as scene size-up, vehicle stabilization, patient extrication, patient care, and fire suppression.

The vehicles used in this training were generously donated by members of the community. If you have a vehicle you would be interested in donating, please contact the Training Officer at